Transition Planning
“Right Sizing” to Create a Life Action Plan
Fear is the greatest barrier to change and becomes ever more constricting as we all get older. Instead of being stronger from our life experiences and wisdom earned over the years our fears manifest in worries about our future financial security in difficult economic times, possible deteriorating health, retirement from careers and changes in the relationships around us – children beginning their own lives or partners leaving. Fear keeps us from being proactive and seeing life transitions as new opportunities in the next phase of discovery in our lives. It keeps us from making decisions that allow us to remain in control of our destiny and to plan to get the most out of our life.
PRM Mediation coaches and helps older adults plan the next phase of their life. It is about “Life Planning”. We help individuals explore their life interests, needs and dreams and match that with their current financial and health state and then create a Life Action Plan. It is about right sizing our life which may include easing out of careers, downsizing the family home, focusing on health and wellness strategies, creating financial budgets and building the confidence to begin new relationships. It is not about planning for death. It is about planning to live life to the fullest.