Divorce and the Family Business – Is it mine or is it Ours?

The greatest shock many of my separating and divorcing couples experience is the reality that under the Family Law Act of Ontario, all property whether it is in your name solely, your spouse’s or in both your names is subject to division on yes –  a 50/50 basis just like the pensions, matrimonial home and […]

“You Don’t Bring Me Flowers Anymore”

– The Valentine’s Day Theme Song of those Separated and Divorced and for Business?” – written by Mary Krauel, published in Star Business Club Many of us may remember Neil Diamond and Barbra Streisand singing this song. I remembered thinking then how sad it was when people remember with nostalgia the way things were between […]

When Empty Nests Become No Nests

– written by Mary Krauel, published in Go 55 Plus Magazine It used to be that couples faced the emotional separation of children as they left the nest with joy, anxiety and yes loss together.  But for the new-generation of empty-nesters, divorce is increasingly common. This “Grey Divorce” epidemic is reported to be the fastest […]

Helping Children Cope with the “Death of Their Family”

written by Mary Krauel, published in Family TLC Magazine I grew up with the television series “Little House on the Prairie” where there was Ma, Pa, siblings, the dog Jack and a cosy home and although they faced challenges they were happy. But this family ideal is often not a reality today where almost 50% […]

Mediate your way to a Better Divorce Settlement

Mediate your way to a Better Divorce Settlement: A Court Settlement Does Not Always Result in the Justice You Seek (Mississauga News, In Your Neighbourhood) Many people are surprised to learn there is an alternative choice to the traditional way of getting a divorce where each party hires a divorce lawyer and fights it out […]