Divorce Means You are No Longer a Married Couple

– written by Mary Krauel, published in Divorce Magazine Blog

I was recently approved by Divorce Magazine as a Divorce Expert to provide guidance and advice to couples embarking upon their personal journey of divorce and separation.

My first blog post addressed a very common challenge faced by couples who find letting go of their “married status” and moving to single. It seems they can’t find the “OFF SWITCH” and still expect the ex-spouse to be accountable for their time and who they spend it with. This often leads to increased conflict and acrimony leading to problems while co-parenting their children or negotiating their settlements.

The Right To Know and When it is Not Your Business

Couples need to find that balance between their rights to know – and it ONLY relates to the kids – and when it is really none of your business. In this article I talk about a client case and some valuable lessons folks should take to heart in helping with transitioning to single status.

To read the full blog

Mary Krauel, Senior Negotiator/Mediator – PRM Mediation –

Divorce, Corporate, and Elder Care Issues – Serving Southwestern Ontario from Mississauga and London.